Would you be surprised if I told you that the solution to your hair fall is within your own body? PRP therapy for hair is a groundbreaking non-surgical treatment, that utilizes the body’s healing powers to boost hair follicles and restore hair growth.
Hair follicles are tiny structures embedded in the scalp that house a hair root. The hair cells grow and divide inside the hair follicles and push through the skin’s surface to form the hair shaft. Hair follicles are nourished by blood flow and a healthy hair follicle gives out strong and vibrant hair. When the follicle health grows down, hair falls and sets in, resulting in hair thinning. Therefore, ensuring a healthy hair follicle for strong hair health is essential.
Certain hereditary conditions, like androgenetic alopecia, can cause hair follicles to shrink over time, leading to hair thinning. Aging can also cause hair follicles to enter a resting phase and remain inactive. Lesser nutrients like iron and zinc can impair follicle function. Stress can trigger hair follicles to enter a resting state, leading to hair loss.
Platelet-rich plasma has two components: plasma and platelets. Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood, while platelets play an important role in healing. Platelets have clotting abilities and assist in blood clotting during injuries and trauma. Plasma is also rich in growth factors that are responsible for cell reproduction.
PRP therapy for hair focuses on boosting the healing of hair follicles. A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge where it is separated into three components: platelets-poor plasma (PPP), platelets-rich plasma (PRP), and red blood cells. The platelet-rich plasma is then extracted using a syringe and then injected into the scalp. The goal of the procedure is to increase the concentration of growth factors in the scalp, which accelerates healing and promotes hair growth. PRP contains several growth factors, including fibroblast growth factor (FGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and epidermal growth factor (EGF), all of which play a key role in stimulating hair follicle regeneration and enhancing overall scalp health.
PRP for hair regrowth is usually done for patients who are experiencing hair fall. This is not done for complete baldness. This can increase the number of hairs increase the diameter of the hair shaft, or do both. The combined effects of the growth hormones in the PRP can boost the fair follicles ensuring hair growth.
When the patient arrives for platelet rich plasma treatment, they are initially informed about the procedure. Any health conditions that can interfere with the treatment are assessed and ruled out. 10-60ml of blood is then drawn from the patient’s arm, similar to a blood test. The blood is then processed through centrifugation, separating the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from other blood components. A test is run to ensure that the platelet concentration is 2-6 times higher than normal. Local anesthesia is administered to numb the scalp. Approximately 0.05ml of the PRP is injected at each injection site with up to 120 injected sites targeted in a single session.
This hair loss treatment is usually spaced at one session per month that spans for 3 months, and a booster session every 6 months. After PRP hair treatment, steer clear from NSAIDs or aspirin for at least 14 days.
PRP hair restoration offers a non-surgical solution to hair fall by strengthening the hair follicles. Since this utilizes one’s own blood, the chances of infection are down to a minimum. With a straightforward procedure involving blood draw, centrifugation, and targeted injections, PRP for hair loss is a safe and effective option for many people experiencing hair thinning or loss.