Hair Care

Does Dandruff cause Hair Loss? How do I control it?


Dandruff is not the direct cause of hair loss in men and women; many people with hair loss also have dandruff. Often, people mistakenly think the hair they see in the shower drain is partially due to frequent shampooing, so they wash their hair less. Unfortunately, washing hair less only makes the dandruff condition worse and can result in clogged follicles, which can slow down hair regrowth. If dandruff is left untreated, the scalp can become so itchy and inflamed that it may actually cause temporary hair loss, creating a vicious circle. Bottom line? Don’t skip the shampoo. Dandruff is not a serious or contagious condition. Although chronic, the majority of cases may be managed with over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoos or Ketacanozole 2% solutions. Some shampoos use anti-inflammatory ingredients to combat allergic reactions. Others have ingredients that reduce flaking by increasing cell turnover or decreasing oil production, while some other cleansers work to reduce fungal infections by decreasing yeast on the scalp. Alternating the use of two or three shampoos that treat different aspects of dandruff can help reduce flaking and itching. Try using a different anti-dandruff shampoo two to three times a week to see which type works best for you. Using oxygen laser therapy is also a solution for dandruff and the restoration of hair follicles, which also promotes growth. Light therapy doesn’t allow dandruff to spread to different areas of the scalp and also restricts and decreases it over a period of time. Our growing pollution in the metropolises is also a major cause of dandruff for most of us. The carbon monoxide present in the air is due to high pollution levels caused by vehicle industries and other environmental hazards clogs ourscalp'sp skin pores every day and causes bacteria formation in the sebaceousglands,s leading to fungal infections if not treated immediately. Try using a mild herbal shampoo to cleanse the scalp on alternative days, especially for peoplewho liveg in Delhi and Mumbai more often. If at all it increases beyond control, use Ketacanozole 2% twice a week and undergo laser therapy for 20 to 25 sessions.