Does Mesotherapy for Hair Loss work?
Hair Care

Does Mesotherapy for Hair Loss work?


Mesotherapy is a regulating therapy that consists of the components of neural therapy and orthomolecular therapy. At present, it is one of the most effective ways to stimulate hair growth and fight hair loss. At the same time, Mesotherapy stops the formation of dandruff and over-scaling of the scalp. For each cause and diagnosis, an individual cocktail of plant extracts, the natural composition of Acetyle tetra peptide -3, Biochanin A, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and allopathic medical ingredients is combined and injected under the scalp with a syringe shotgun. These are so-called micro-doses, which pass painlessly when introduced into the bloodstream and do not pollute the organism. The mixture works when it is injected into the skin. This method enables the components that nourish the hair follicles to settle in the hair easily. With this method, hair loss can be treated, as it thickens thinned hair, stops hair loss, and makes the hair stronger and shinier. This is where we can look at the substantial features of Mesotherapy for hair loss, which helps women and Men with general hair-loss conditions to revive back to normalcy.

  • Hair loss gradually stops
  • Hair growth is activated
  • The activity of adipose glands is reduced, and curls look cleaner, longer, and fuller
  • Blood flow and oxygen delivered to the bulbs increase
  • Dandruff is reduced
  • Improvement is seen in hair density, smoothness, and brightness during hairbrushing and styling
  • Important: It is worth taking pictures before and after the procedure in order to be sure about the result.

Mesotherapy for hair loss is done with the world's most advanced cocktails formulated by the Re-generative Practise research team in various countries, and in India, the advancements can be seen in many clinic chains like Max Hair Clinic and Adgrohair.
