Hair Transplant Before and After
Hair Care

Hair Transplant Before and After


A hair transplant is a life-changing procedure for many men and women who have lost their hair and are low on confidence. India has become a synonym for affordable yet high-quality hair transplantation surgery, which is why more and more people are interested in it. Due to the availability of highly skilled surgeons and hair transplant facility centres in the chain of clinics across our country. The Indian Medical Association and the National Medical Council have laid down norms for hair transplant procedures due to their growing popularity and androgenetic alopecia cases. When we start losing hair, the worry starts in a bigger way, thinking whether we will get back the lost hair or not, but unfortunately, most of the hair loss treatments can only temporarily reverse the hair loss and regrow hair as the androgen hormone activities can’t be reversed. Hence, a hair transplant is the only option to get new hair. After a number of clinic and hospital visits, we generally come to the conclusion that getting a hair transplant is the last option, considering all the deciding factors, including finances. The day of our hair transplant surgery is a big day for everyone, and all of us literally wait for the moment. Now, post-procedure, our balding areas are filled with hair follicular unit grafts, and scabs appear within the next day. Those scabs start shedding from the 10th day onward, and by 15 to 15 days, they completely shed off as we shampoo our scalp every day. Implanted hairs appear, and that’s the moment we were waiting for, and the joy of getting back hair and looking our own age is well desired. By the end of the first month, the telogen phase arrives, and by the 3rd month, the implanted strands shed off to move to the active anagen mode. By the 6th month, we experience 60% growth, and by 9–12 months, the cycle completes and all the hairs grow back to the desired length in the Sapphire micro FUE method, which is the latest innovation in hair transplant technique.
