Hair transplant is a day care procedure and performed by hair transplant surgeons in an OPD operation theatre. This method these days is called as invasive method and not a surgical procedure. The procedure involves preliminary tests to be done for the client to check the eligibility. Complete blood count, Hbsag, anti-hcv, Clotting time, bleeding time, HIV duo and Echocardiogram are the essential tests to be performed. Post doing an assessment of the test reports the Surgeon acknowledges the eligibility and checks for possible drug allergies of the client and the medications he or she is consuming currently or have undergone any surgical procedures recently. On the day of the procedure client should shampoo his/her hair have breakfast without consuming coffee, tea or juice and then consume the tabs given and be present in the clinic on time. Marking the recipient area and taking an approval of the client on the marking and then proceed for zero trimming of the entire scalp hair. Change the clients clothes and help him/her to wear the OT gown / HIV kit excluding head cap and proceed towards the OT. Make the client lie down on his chest on the OT bed and mark the donor site blog delivery area. Start delivering the prepared blogs of anesthesia on the marked zone using the needle free LA Dermajet device or syringes. Prepare the motor and add a 0.8 mm titanium punch in the hand piece and start extraction. Remove the grafts with the jeweler forceps carefully and separate it and place it the graft freezer tray. Place the grafts in close clusters on the satin cloth in the graft placing tray soaked in normal saline or RL. Remark the recipient area and deliver local anesthesia blogs. After LA application start making slits with the Sapphire percutaneous handle attached with the Sapphire graphite stone pin for the grafts to be placed determining the angle, depth and density. Start placing the grafts carefully without giving shock and trauma to the grafts. Keep spraying normal saline water every 5 mins on the implanted zone. After the implants are completed cover the donor area with gauze and micropore tape. Guide the client to the lounge from the OT and explain the post-operative procedure. Call the client back on the 3rd day after the procedure to remove the bandage and provide a complete head wash and also explain how to do head wash at home everyday. This is how the entire Sapphire micro FUE hair transplant procedure is been performed in MAX hair clinic which guarantees optimum graft survival of 2 decades plus, direction and high density. This method is considered as the 5th generation of hair transplant performed across the world by leading surgeons.