Which hair transplant method to choose for best results
Hair Care


Hair transplant is a breakthrough method in the world of Dermatology and the practice started long back in 1930’s when the Japanese doctors started doing this to treat patients with burn and injury cases on the scalp. During the initial practice the Japanese Doctors started using the follicular unit grafts from the donor area to be extracted in clusters and re plant it back on the damaged hair loss areas due to burn or injuries. Gradually this method become popular and become an Aesthetic need of people with hair loss issues. By that time when the implanted plugs and clusters of hair bearing tissues stayed back in the implanted areas and continued growing its been proven that they are resistant to even androgenetic alopecia, DHT prone area cases. In 1970’s the Follicular unit extraction method became popular across the world and the leading Dermatologists started practicing it along with the Plastic surgeons. The FUT method was involved in a surgical process where the strip of skin along with the follicular unit grafts along with the fatty acid layer till dermis was been cut out and sutured back with the help of a special suturing method called as trichophytic closure and the strip of the skin was been dissected carefully separating the cluster of follicular unit grafts and implanted in the recipient holes made in the desired areas for further growth. This method was a traditional surgical method with pain, scarring, blood loss and neck stretching issues involved in it and people looking for hair transplants had a lot of apprehensions to go ahead with this method. Eventually in the year of 2000 the method of hair transplant got completely changed and Follicular unit extraction method was evolved where individual hair follicular unit grafts where been removed with a cylindrical punches attached to rotor motors which is been handled by foot pedals. This extraction method brought in a huge change in the outlook of hair transplant and the fear factor diminished completely. Since then the FUE method have undergone a lot of improvisation and currently we are on the 5th generation of the hair transplant method which is called as Sapphire micro FUE, prior to that the basic FUE method which was been done with the help of needles were not able to deliver desired results due to the technique and tool advancements. Direct hair implanting method came live where the Korean university came up with an implanter called as Choi implanter where graft handling became minimal to reduce the shock to the extracted grafts but the desired density and direction of the hair growth was still a question wherein the graft survival became better than the basic FUE. That is when the hair restoration societies of top surgeons started looking for natural way of channel making and Sapphire graphite stone pin is been used now to make miniscule channels to implants grafts which defines the depth of the implants, optimum survival of the grafts, direction of the hair regrowth and high density to enjoy a head full of hair. MAX hair clinic in India incorporated this method and adopted the innovation brought in to the world of hair transplant which became a talk of the town due to its superior results. Hence among the generations of hair transplant, basic FUE is relatively older version followed by implanted method, simultaneous needle implanting method in the 4th generation and now the newest is Sapphire micro FUE.
