Hair Care

Your information guide after hair transplant


Pain management

Post hair transplant some people can experience mild pain existing on the implanted areas and majorly on the donor area from where the hair follicles are extracted. The pain on the back of the scalp is always more than the implanted area due to the punch used to extract grafts but that tends to go away in couple of days’ time. The implanted area pain does not persist more than a day or two due to faster healing process. Pain killers like Flexon MR can be taken twice a day to subside the pain.

Mild swelling management

When it comes to hair transplantation that is performed using Needles, Sapphire pin or Choi Implanter Pen, swelling is quite rare. The swelling happens due to the departure of tumescent used during the procedure through the lymphatic drainage system which tries to drain out. On the other hand if we bow our head down and read books for long hours or see mobile phones swelling may tend to happen on the forehead and eyes. Also eating too much of rice, sweets can cause swelling after hair transplant. Avoid bowing your head down for couple of days, use a ice pack if swelling happens and also medications like Prednisalone 20mg can be taken twice a day.

How to manage itching during healing process

Itching happens to all the clients undergoing hair transplant as healing up wounds and implanted zone with scab formations are normal. Whenever our skin starts healing on the wound site the itching is a common tendency as the skin starts contracting leaving the skin dry with moisture loss. Application of aloe Vera or a mild moisturizer on the donor area and implanted areas will subside the itching keeping the skin soft and supple with adequate moisture levels.

Sleeping posture

As post hair transplant for next 2-3 days there is a difficulty in sleeping due to the bandage on the back and the frontal implants, both need to be taken care, so the surgeons always suggests the client to sleep on the sides to avoid rubbing of the implanted zone and resting the head on the back which is quite uncomfortable due to the bandage present. Sleeping on both sides are the best option and one can sleep comfortably without any worries.

Healing process

Post hair transplant the healing process also depends on how you are managing the implants, using antibiotics, following post-operative instructions etc. the healing on the implanted areas starts from the next day itself where scab formations starts and we can visibly see the dark brown dry skin scabs which starts to shed off once we start taking batch after the first head wash is done. The scabs sheds off in 10 to 14 days’ time. The complete healing of the implanted zone can be experienced in maximum 21 days’ time. The donor area healing takes a bit more time as the punch incisions are a bit deeper than the implants. The donor area will have a physical pain once touched or pressed for a month and will heal up completely by 40 days’ time.

Hair Growth process

Implanted hair follicular unit grafts moves to the shedding phase by 21 days’ time post procedure and the hairs starts shedding from the dermal papilla. The active anagen phase arrives after the kenogen phase from the 3rd month and hair growth is visible on the implanted areas. On the 6th & 7th month the active anagen phase in most of the implanted grafts are completed and good hair growth are visible. The entire cycle is completed between 9 to 12 months’ time.

Periodical review to be conducted by the operating surgeon on the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th month.