Cold Beam Laser Therapy
Hair Care

Cold Beam Laser Therapy


Cold beam laser therapy is also called low-level laser technology. The laser beam is US-FDA approved, noninvasive, and easy to use. We need to sit under the laser machine for 45 minutes during each session, and this needs to be done every fortnight. The results are quite calculative for most of the cold beam Laser therapy clients with moderate hair loss. In a clinically controlled study, participants found an increase of 40% in hair growth, concluding that low-level laser therapy significantly improved hair count. Many other studies have supported cold beam laser therapy as a safe and effective treatment to improve hair growth in men and women. Treating your body with the utmost respect is the key to a long and healthy life. That’s why surgery and medications aren’t feasible options for many people. Cold beam laser therapy provides a great alternative to other hair loss treatments. It is a Drug-free, 100% natural treatment with no side effects, no downtime, is pain-free, 100% Natural, has gradual results, and can be used with other treatments. Everyone can undergo laser treatment, which is effective for curing dandruff.

Cold beam laser therapy can be safely used in conjunction with other hair loss treatments like topical applications like minoxidil and PRP, as well as on patients who’ve undergone FUE Hair transplant surgery. All good things in life come with time; the same goes for seeing results from cold beam laser therapy. Everyone’s body reacts to treatment differently, but most clients experience thicker, fuller hair in 4-6 months. Clients experience hair shedding during this time as their body reacts to treatment, and most of the hairs in the Catagen mode move to the Telogen mode, where the natural growth and shedding cycle starts. While this may seem worrisome, it’s a sign that the treatment is working—new anagen hairs are pushing out older hairs to make room for healthy, thicker strands.

After 4 months, you will notice less hair shedding and start to see a decrease in hair loss. You’ll see your hair is fuller in areas where you were previously bald. It’s important to note that treatment involves improving Hair loss and preventing future hair loss, so even minimal improvements are a success. Complete results of cold beam laser therapy are typically seen after 9 months. It’s here that clients start to see the most drastic improvements in their hairline and enjoy a new-found sense of confidence.
