Hair Care

Does Stress cause Hair Loss?


Stress in our daily lives cannot be controlled, even when in Gym we have stress, Yoga is one of the possible remedies to control stress but not all of us are able to do so as a possible remedy. Stress causes an adrenaline rush in the body triggering the testosterone hormones. Stress also causes obesity and other health disorders including severe hair loss at times. Each hair follicle is independently moving through its own stage of the growth cycle. On a healthy head of hair, most follicles are in the Anagen “growth phase” while the others are either in the transitional, resting, or shedding phase. When a significant emotional stress event occurs, it can trigger an abnormal, dramatic shift in the hair's growth cycle into the Telogen “resting” phase. It is important to note that this is not caused by normal, daily stressors such as a single bad day at work. This shift is triggered by stress from life-changing events, such as the loss of a loved one, severe prolonged stress due to business losses, job security or loss issues, the strain of close relations, and many more. Due to the nature of the hair growth cycles… hair loss from stress may not be noticed immediately and can take several months to show signs. The good news is that it is rarely permanent. You can combat stress-related hair loss by addressing the underlying issue with stress management techniques like meditation or creating positive lifestyle changes. Proper scalp health and nutrition can also help your hair grow back strong and healthy. It is important to continue creating the optimal scalp environment for healthy hair growth with a consistent routine and the right products. Trichotillomania: This is also commonly known as the hair-pulling disorder, it is related to an impulse control disorder. People may not even notice that they are pulling their hair off, it is unintentional and can arise due to high stress and mental problems.

It can develop around your teen years and can continue for a lifetime. If you know someone who is going through this then make sure you suggest to them a good doctor. Two of the most important factors that can help you overcome stress in any given situation. Eating a properly balanced diet is very essential for your body and mind to work and be active. Managing your Macronutrients is essential as they play a big role in releasing stress and making your mind and body healthy. Improving your sleep cycle is essential as not being able to rest your mind will only bring more stress to you and will make you unable to concentrate on your work which can again bring more stress, this is a constant cycle that needs to be broken.