Hair Care

Hair Loss due to Lifestyle Issues


Our hair loss is something that a lot of us will think about from time to time. You might notice your hair is shedding a little more than normal, or you might have seen an old photo of yourself with a ‘younger-looking’ hairline. Thinking about hair loss can cause concern for many of us and also cause an adrenaline rush in our body, triggering testosterone hormones, but have you ever stopped and considered what’s causing your hair loss? Today, we are looking into your lifestyle and how it might be affecting your hair. It’s true that a poor diet can actually impact the health of your hair and, over time, lead to hair loss. A balanced diet is vital for your overall health and for keeping your hair healthy. A number of nutrients and vitamins that are consumed via your diet give your body and hair what is needed to remain healthy. Vitamins such as B, A, and C, as well as protein and Omega-3 acids, potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium, are important parts of your diet. These can be found in simple everyday foods, including eggs, spinach and other leafy greens, salmon, chicken, and sweet potatoes. Ensuring you eat a balanced diet can, over time, improve the health of your hair. If you think your diet is lacking vital vitamins or nutrients, you can also look into supplements to help.

These days, we’re very conscious of looking good and want to improve our appearance. With 29% of the working and business class people in India spending as much on gym clothing as they do on regular clothing, it is clear that exercising is an important part of our daily routine. We’re continually told that we should exercise on a daily basis to improve our general health.

It’s important to remember that exercise is a type of stress and can, in some cases, affect your body in a negative way. Over a period of time, your body will adapt positively to the stress, and this is when your body begins to get fitter and stronger. During a stressful period in your life (physical or mental), your body cannot adapt to the stress of exercise, which can have a negative impact and contribute to problems such as hair loss. Exercise is a controllable stress, and if you’re going through stress in other aspects of your life, it is recommended to lower the number of days that you train.

Hair loss can happen for a number of different reasons, and a lot of people think that heavy drinking can lead to hair loss. However, exceeding the recommended units of alcohol has no direct link to hair loss. There are, however, several side effects related to heavy drinking that can have an impact on hair loss. When we drink excessively, the body can become dehydrated, causing a loss of minerals in the body. This can then, in turn, cause the hair to become dry and brittle and prone to breakage. The body can lose important minerals such as iron, which play an important part in keeping the hair healthy. An iron deficiency can lead to conditions such as telogen effluvium.

Smoking is a lifestyle choice that many people want to stop in order to improve their general health. It is known that smoking can have negative effects on our health. Something most of us probably forget about is how smoking can also have a negative impact on our hair.

Lifestyle factors such as stress, poor diet, and smoking can damage the hair and lead to hair loss. Women also spend more time and money on their hair. They use a variety of hair products such as sprays, mousses, gels, and conditioners, not to mention a variety of salon treatments such as perms and colours, which also lead to major hair loss. In this kind of situation, meeting a Doctor is the first thing to do and discuss the hair-loss issue with a description of the pattern. Post-assessment, the Doctor will understand the grade of the hair loss and the root cause of it. Generally, apart from topical applications, multivitamins and folic acid capsules are also prescribed alongside treatments for hair restoration like Oxygen laser therapy, Mesotherapy, PRP treatment, and GFC treatment. In case the hair loss is advanced and part of the scalp on the hairline is visible or on the forelock zone, then a small session of hair transplantation can also be recommended, which takes just a few hours, and hair grows naturally and remains permanently on the scalp. For more guidance or a doctor's consultation, one can visit Max Hair Clinic in Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Coimbatore and get holistic solutions with complete satisfaction within the stipulated period of time.