Hair Care

The easiest ways to take care of our scalp and hair


Hair care is an important activity in our daily life as hair is not part of our body and termed as an accessory of our body like our nails. Hence taking adequate care of our scalp and hair is our utmost duty. We follow several ways for our haircare, some of us follow home remedies, some of us with personal care products and some of us visit dermatologists and Aesthetic clinics to meet the medicos for personalized care regime. Now since the Indian market is flooded with domestic and international brands of hair care products we well understood that these products are required to take care of the hair strands and superficial layer of the scalp skin. The actual care need to be taken which takes place beneath the skin in the Dermis layer where the hair follicles are situated. The hair follicle is a construction of hair bearing muscles which are also bonded with capillary loops to constitute the hair follicular unit graft structure. The science of hair growth and fall depends on the cycle of the hair which is anagen, catagen, telogen , exogen and kenogen phases. The active growth phase, transition phase, shedding phase, hair loss phase and re-growth phase in dermal papilla. The first simple step to maintain your hair is to keep your scalp clean and infection free which is dandruff and other concerns on the scalp skin which causes hair fall and sometimes hair loss also. Controlling excess secretion of the oil in the scalp is the first remedy and to do that purifying the scalp with scalp detox products will help to maintain the scalp health. Our hair is an accessory of our body which protects our scalp from heat and other climatic changes like extreme cold as well. The hair is our personality enhancer and need to be washed and keep the cuticles of the hair intact by protecting it from UV B rays and other hair styling chemicals. Use a mild sulphate and alkaline free natural shampoo followed by a hair moisturizer spray or mist which may also contain a sunscreen to protect your hair strands. For inner health of the follicles, GFC / PRP treatment need to be done once a month and as a home remedy, buy a laser helmet which can be used by every member of your family to detoxify your scalp and improve blood circulations in your hair follicles. The recent launch of 1mypro laser helmets, follicle geni360 PRP treatment, GFC Fibrin + are the Aesthetic remedies performed in Max hair clinics across all the locations. Visit and find out more.